Sunday, May 14, 2006

The time has come.....

Tomorrow is the day. I venture out into the working-world once again. Actually, tomorrow is a day long orientation to familiarize us new hires with the company and to get us "pumped-up" about working there. They even gave me a brochure about the Orientation. Huh.

Nevertheless, I am excited. The other night I spent two HOURS sorting through my work clothes and ironing all of them. I even cleaned, polished, and waterproofed my good (expensive) heels in preparation for more frequent use. I bought a really nice leather tote/purse, because I believe that I'm supposed to have one as a "working woman" was on super-sale.......

Now I just have to adjust to getting up really early to commute. That'll be interesting.

So here's to all of my friends out there who have already started their new jobs, summer or permanent, Good Luck! I, too will be trying to get used to sitting in one spot (my OWN office) for hours on end. And I thought a three-hour lecture was rough........I hope I don't develop a case of "I can't stay in this little room all day with only minimal breaks". Ooohh, or I may have a hard time staying awake--the coffee addiction just might return. Ah, I'm sure the rewards of putting all of that Public Health training and education to good use will be stimulating enough ;-)


Stephanie said...

I don't know if you are... but I'm soo nervous!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I hope the orientation was fun...and hope the commute wasn't that rough. :) You really are a working woman!

Kara said...

Hope you had a great day, Janine!

Goat said...

For those spats of boredom, I suggest keeping a sudoku book in your office. Oh, and blogging helps, too.